Average downloads per app, games
· Average Conversion Rate on the Google Play Store: In , the average conversion rate on the US Google Play Store was % and thus lower than the average CVR on the App Store (%). The Business category had the highest average conversion rate (58%), while the Casino Games category had an average CVR of only % on the Google Play Store.. The average Author: Candice Cheng. 21% of Millennials open an app 50+ times per day. 49% of people open an app 11+ times each day. 69% of all US digital media time comes from mobile apps. The average smartphone owner uses 10 apps per day and 30 apps each month. Mobile App Downloads. Apps can’t succeed without downloads. It sounds simple, but all too often I app owners overlook Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins.
The number of mobile app downloads each year has been steadily increasing. In , there were billion app downloads worldwide (excluding re-installs and app updates). As App Annie reports, this is a 45% increase from 8. The average number of apps being downloaded in the U.S. is decreasing. In-app purchases account for % of mobile app earnings as compared to 14% from ads-based revenue and % from paid app downloads. Estimated average In-App Purchase per User. Average Cost Per Install And here are some numbers about the average costs per install in iOS app Cost Per Install in US - $ iOS app Cost Per Install in China - $ iOS app Cost Per Install in China - $ Android app Cost Per Install Globally (Google Play market) - $ Let's talk about CPI more!
21% of Millennials open an app 50+ times per day. 49% of people open an app 11+ times each day. 69% of all US digital media time comes from mobile apps. The average smartphone owner uses 10 apps per day and 30 apps each month. Mobile App Downloads. Apps can’t succeed without downloads. It sounds simple, but all too often I app owners overlook. There were billion app downloads in TikTok is the most downloaded non-gaming app. In , the average smartphone user had 40 apps installed on their mobile phone. The mobile app market was predicted to generate up to $ billion in revenue by the end of 18 to year-olds spent 66% of their digital media time using. There were a total of 80 billion mobile game downloads in , with an 18% YoY growth. (AppAnnie) Players spent $ billion in mobile games in (AppAnnie) Player spend is set to reach $ billion by (SensorTower) On average, players spent hours per day playing mobile games in